I Play Slop

That’s just the way it is. I must face facts. I do my best to stay on top of things, but the glue is constantly coming loose on this kid.

My goal was to have a few personal projects out (online) this year, including this website. There were a lot of ups and downs in 2024, both internal and externally. I’m not exactly sure what lies ahead, for me or the world at large. I just know that I have to do this. It might be spotty and clunky, but it has to happen. I have a ton of stuff I want to share.

I’m trying to skip the social media route when it comes to sharing personal creative works. At least for the next year. I just want to build and maintain this site as my home. Free of the distractions and headaches associated with those other platforms. I’m here to appeal to those who would be interested in entertaining my weird ideas, not to everybody on the damn planet. I’m here if you love MAD Magazine, underground comix, rap music, disco music, cartoons, especially bizarre animated works, outsider art, design, et al. You get what I’m talking about.

I’ve been grinding away the last couple weeks, rushing to get these websites (this & my portfolio site) up by the first of January. No particular reason, other than a date to keep me on my toes. I’m bummed I didn’t quite meet what I was going for, but perhaps I wouldn’t be typing these words if not for the motivation to meet the deadline.

I have a two part blog I want to post this week, preferably Tuesday the 31st & Wednesday the 1st. Part one is a quick recap of my year featuring some unposted artwork & sketches. Part two will be an artists statement/manifesto for my website and what I’m hoping to accomplish in the coming months/years. I’ll do my best to lay out a schedule and a system for consistent posting and streaming.

One year ago, I had no vision for the future whatsoever. Immediate and beyond. Personal and external. Worldwide, things seem pretty grim at the moment. I’m hoping that what I am doing here can help me get back on my feet and recharge the motivation I had in my younger days. I am feeling it more and more these days (I’ll go into more detail in the recap post). I’m thankful for that feeling, regardless of the result. I’m thankful to and for the people in my life pushing me to keep going. So that’s my goal. Keep it moving.

I hope you’re into the revamp. It’s a work in progress, and a bit messy, but I’m in for the haul.

Jose G

December Twenty Four

© 2024 Jose Garibaldi